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IEE on Tour

External activties of IEE members.

Between 18 to 19 May, Maruf Lutfur participated in the 9th European PhD Workshop in South Asia studies, which was organized by The South Asian Student Association (SASNET) on behalf of the European Association of South Asian Studies (EASAS). During the workshop, which took place in Höllviken, Malmo, Sweden, his PhD thesis project was presented.

From 20 to 22 May, PhD IDS student Maruf Lutfur, attended a conference on 'South Asia in Transformation: World of Slums, Global Power Houses or Utopias? Migration, labour, and family changes in a dynamic region,' which was organised by The South Asian Student Association (SASNET) and held in Lund, Sweden.

From 16 June to 20 September PhD IDS student Maruf Lutfur has been on field research in two different districts in Bangladesh for his PhD thesis project on 'Socio-Cultural Remittances and their Impact: A Study of Migrant Sending Communities in Rural Bangladesh'. The field work was funded by the RUB Research School.

PhD IDS student Annika Engelbert held a presentation on "The weakest link: Investigation and prosecution of procurement-related corruption cases in Tanzania and Uganda" at the Third International Conference on Evidence-Based Anti-Corruption Policies which was organized by the National Anti-Corruption Commission of Thailand and took place from 17 – 18 June in Bangkok, Thailand.

On 26 June, PhD IDS student Annika Engelbert and IEE Director Markus Kaltenborn attended the consultant workshop on "Public Procurement in Development Cooperation" at the German Development Cooperation - GIZ (Unit Good Governance and Human Rights) in Eschborn, Germany. At this event she presented, together with IEE Director Markus Kaltenborn, the research findings of the project "Public Procurement Law and Anti-Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa".

On 8 July, Anne Siebert participated in the Expert Workshop on "Food Souvereignty in the Context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Ernährungssouveränität im Kontext der Post-2015-Entwicklungsagenda)" held at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Humanities (KWI) in Essen, Germany.

From 3 to 14 August, Annika Engelbert attended the course "Management of Development Projects", an SLE Training for International Development Cooperation at the Humboldt University, Berlin.

Raffael Beier attended the Network Meeting "Bridging and Bonding" held at the Institute for Protest and Social Movements (Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung)" in Berlin from 11 to 12 September.

From 11 to 13 September, Johannes Norpoth attended the 3rd Congress of German-Language Legal Sociology Association which was organised by the Law and Society Institute in Berlin at the Humboldt-University, Berlin. At the conference themed "The Promises of Law (Die Versprechungen des Rechts)" Johannes Norpoth followed the conference track on "Law and Development".

PhD IDS students Sascha Rosenberger and Jurek Seifert attended the World Social Science Forum 2015 in Durban, South Africa, from the 13-16 September. This year's World Social Science Forum ran under the theme "Transforming Global Relations for a Just World". Jurek held a panel presentation entitled "Asymmetries in South-South cooperation - The case of Brazil in Mozambique", whereas Sascha held an oral poster presentation entitled "Fragmented Approaches to Education and Unequal Development of Capabilities".

Marc Hansen and Anne Siebert attended the Tropentag 2015 held at the Humboldt-University Berlin from 16 to 18 September under the theme "Management of land use systems for enhanced food security – conflicts, controversies and resolutions". At the congress Anne Siebert presented a poster on "Food Sovereignty in South Africa: Policy Implications and the Right to the City in Urban Agriculture". Marc Hansen presented both a poster on "Determining Minimum Compensation for Lost Farmland: A Theory-Based Impact Assessment of a Land Grab in Sierra Leone" and an elevator pitch on "Welfare Impacts of Biochar as a Soil Amendment on Urban Vegetable Markets in West Africa".

Anja Zorob, together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth of the Ruhr-University Bochum and Amke Dietert of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), organized the 22nd International Conference of the DAVO and 1st Section Conference of the Islamic Studies Section of the German Oriental Society (DMG). The conference was themed "The Middle East and the Islamic World in the Mirror of Humanities and Social Sciences" and was held in Bochum, from 24 to 26 September. Anja Zorob also served as the chair of the conference panel on "Gender Questions and Social Science". At the conference Raffael Beier presented on "Shifting Spatial Policies after the Arab Spring - Urgent Reactions or Real Changes?". Moreover, Anja Zorob and Raffael Beier presented together on "European Migration Policy after the Arab Spring: Sticking to "Securitization" or Rising to the Challenges in the Mediterranean?" as part of the conference panel on "Four Years After: The Post-Arab Spring Era and Its Multifarious Challenges for the European Union". You can find more details about the conference here.

On 28 September, IEE Director Markus Kaltenborn participated in an expert workshop which was held at the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Berlin, Germany, in the context of the consultative process of the German government for the adoption of a national action plan on the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in Germany. The focal topic of the workshop was "Access to Justice in Germany".

Raffael Beier held a presentation entitled „Die Bedeutung raumbezogener Politiken im Arabischen Frühling" (The Relevance of Spatial Policies in the Arab Spring) at the conference Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (German Congress for Geography) which convened under the theme "Stadt Land Schaf(f)t – Land Schaf(f)t Stadt" and held in Berlin, Germany, from 1 - 6 Oktober 2015.

At the Conference on Global Sustainability and Local Foods, held on the 2nd of October at the American University of Rome and the American Academy in Rome, Italy, Anne Siebert held a presentation on "Food Sovereignty in South Africa: Policy Implications and the Right to the City in Urban Agriculture".

On 21 October, Martina Shakya gave a presentation at the Gesellschaft für Geographie und Geologie Bochum e.V. (Society of Geography and Geologie Bochum) on „Poverty and Risk Vulnerability in the Himalaya: Nepal before and after the Earthquake" (Armut und Risikoanfälligkeit im Himalaya. Nepal vor und nach dem großen Erdbeben).


Institute of Development Research and Development
Ruhr University Bochum
Room 2.04
Universitaetsstr. 105
D-44789 Bochum
E-Mail: ieeoffice@rub.de
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22418