50 Years IEE: Impressions from our Anniversary Event
MADM: MADM Students in Bochum Setting Sail for their MA Degree
MADM: Highlights from the Bochum Summer School Programme
AlumnIEE: International Alumni Conference „Doing Good with Business?”
AlumnIEE: Timeline - Building Professional Practice after Study Life
EUSA_ID: Experiences from a one-year research and teaching mobility in Cape Town, South Africa
EUSA_ID: Experiences during a Staff Mobility
EUSA_ID: Graduates and Last Call for Scholarship Applications
SA-GER CDR: New Scholarship Holders Selected for the Intake 2017
PHD IDS: Welcome to the 10th Intake of the PhD IDS
PhD IDS: Autumn School of the German-Arab Joint Research, Training and Networking Programme
PhD IDS: 5th International Development Conference
Research Activities: Research Cluster 2 Organised a Panel at the Development Studies Association Conference in Oxford
UA Ruhr GC: Second Research Trip to Bangladesh in the Context of the MERCUR Project on Transnational Regulation of Labour Standards
UA Ruhr GC: New UA Ruhr GC Publications
News: PhD IDS Student Wins International Research Competition
News: Academic Achievements
News: First Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Forum in Amsterdam
News: AGEP-Workshop „Reintegration into Domestic Job Markets – Vietnam“
Institute of Development Research and Development
Ruhr University Bochum
Room 2.04
Universitaetsstr. 105
D-44789 Bochum
E-Mail: ieeoffice@rub.de
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22418