Selection of Scholarship Holders
For the 2017 intake, the selection committee of the South African-German Centre for Development Research (SA-GER CDR) selected four Masters and two PhD Students out of 230 Master and 196 PhD applications to commence their studies at the SA-GER CDR in January 2017. The number of applications for DAAD scholarships remained stable more or less, but the proportion of PhD applicants is constantly rising from intake to intake. There is still a low number of applications from South Africa, as only two Masters and eight PhD applicants came from South Africa.For the PhD in International Development Studies, Irene Kyamu from Kenya and Fikrewold Tamirat from Ehtiopia were selected for 3-year scholarships.
Linice Sanga from Malawi, Faisal Haginour from Somalia, Joy Mwaniki from Kenya and Boniswa Gelese from South Africa were selected for a Master Scholarship of 2 years. Whereas Faisal Hagionour was seleted for the Master in Public Administration, the other 3 students will be studying in the Master in Development Studies.
Protests at South African Universities
We hope that the scholarship holders will be able to start their studies in January 2017 on time, as current scholarship holders are severly affected by the student protests against the raise of student fees at South African Universities. An 8% increase of fees was announced by the government this year. Due to the protests, the University of the Western Cape (UWC) was closed, like many other universities in South Africa, in order to avoid violent riots. The UWC is to remain closed until the end of 2016, even through sustained demonstrations for the (re)opening of universities (see photo below, photo: Ashraf Hendricks).

Coordinator South African German Centre for Development Research
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-25148
Fax: +49 (0)234 / 32-14294