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Asking for a little finger, and getting a full hand offered: alumni’s feedback to IEE’s recent request

Short report on the improvement of alumni services

The IEE constantly strives to improve its services for its alumni, e.g. by supporting them with interesting announcements about alumni-conferences, job opportunities, etc.

In order to properly match our alumni with suitable opportunities, storage of personal data is necessary. Hence, the implementation of new data related regulatory frameworks is essential. Against this background, the IEE recently approached the alumni of its current and former teaching programmes (i.e. the MA Development Management, the PhD International Development Studies, and the DFG-funded Doctoral School) to seek the alumni’s consent to continue to storing the relevant data required to offer these services.

The response we received was amazing! More than 300 alumni replied; which represents, by far, the lion share of the IEE’s alumni. Not only did they give their consent; many of them told us on this occasion in detail about their career and personal development since graduation. It was impressive for us to see how well our alumni’s lives evolved after their graduation, and to experience how much they want to keep in contact with their alma mater.

We, the IEE, want to thank all alumni for their consent and feedback!

And if it happens that you did not receive an email from us about this subject, we presumably do not have your current email-address. Please note that without your consent, we will proceed with deleting your data. You are therefore warmly invited to send an email directly to Dr. Gabriele Bäcker (gabrieleThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), who will provide you with further information.

We are looking forward to staying in contact with you! For the following newsletters we’ll certainly approach some of our alumni individually, asking them to share their experience with the IEE community through a newsletter article.


Institute of Development Research and Development
Ruhr University Bochum
Room 2.04
Universitaetsstr. 105
D-44789 Bochum
E-Mail: ieeoffice@rub.de
Phone: +49 (0)234 / 32-22418