Online events attended by IEE members
Dr. Raffael Beier attended the online workshop "Dislocating Urban Studies", Malmö University (online), 18-19 March 2021, and presented his paper "Ordinary neighbourhoods - Stigma and Realities in Casablanca‘s Shantytowns".
Maruf Lutfur attended a digital spring conference on "Revisiting Migration with a Special Focus on the Global South" (6-7 May 2021). The conference was organized by Ulrike Schultz (Friedensau Adventist University) and Eva Gerharz (Fulda University of Applied Sciences) on behalf of the Development Sociology/Social Anthropology Section ESSA of the German Sociological Association DGS in Cooperation with the Centre for Intercultural and European Studies CINTEUS.
Britta Niklas was invited to take part in the Research Seminar Series of the European Association of Wine Economists, where she attended presentations related to the "Effects of Covid-19 on Wine Business" on 4th March, and "Hedonic Pricing" on 13th April. As a regular attendant, she will have the opportunity to present her own research in the summer term.
She is also taking part in the Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management’s webinars, and attended the presentation on 19th January on "Wine Analytics", on "Online Reputation and Debt Capacity" on 25th February and on "Gender of Producer and Wine Perceived Quality" on 27th May.
Biswaranjan Tripura attended the BASAS (British Association for South Asian Studies) Annual Conference, 20-23 April 2021, hosted by the University of Edinburgh (virtual), and presented his paper "Forming Solidarity by Indigenous Peoples & Negotiating the Citizenship Amendment Bill (now Act) Beyond Local State in Tripura, North East India"